Friday, September 08, 2006

AFSC Blogs

The AFSC Discussion Blogs are listed below. Click on a link to take you to the blog for that AFSC. If you would like to see a blog for an AFSC that is not here, add a comment to this post explaining which AFSC you'd like to see added.

AFSC Selection Process (A blog discussing how the selection process works)

Acquisitions (Program Manager -- 63A)

Airfield Operations & Air Battle Management (13M & 13B)

Clinical Psychologist (42PX)

Communications (Comm, Comm Info Engr, Info Opps -- 33SX, 33SXA)


Combat Rescue (13DxA) (Unavailable)...

Cost Analysis (65W) If you're interested in the Cost Analysis career field, Nate Atherley (a '99 grad) has volunteered to give you his perspective. He can be reached at: (719) 321-6135

Civil Engineering (EE, Enivro, General, & Mech -- 32EXC, 32EXE, 32EXJ, 32EXG, 32EXF)

Developmental Engr (Aero, Astro, EE, Mech Eng, Project, Computer Systems -- 62EX, 62EXA, 62EXB, 62EXE, 62EXH, 62EXG, 62EXC, 62E3F)

Financial Management (65F)

Hospital Administration & Nursing (MSC) (For info on Hospital Admin, please call or e-mail Lt. Marshall Meringola 333-5418)

Intelligence (14N)

Logistics Readiness (21R)

Maintenance (Aircraft Maintenance and Munitions/Missile Mant -- 21A & 21B)

Personnel/Manpower (37F)

Scientist (Analytical, Behavioral, Chemist, Physicist -- 61SX, 61SXA, 61SXB, 61SXC, 61SXD)

Security Forces (31P)

Services (34M) (Unavailable) Please see the official description, though.

Space/Missiles Ops (13S)

Weather (including combat weather) (15W/J15W)




Spec Ops & Helicopters


april_harker said...

Does anyone have any information about volunteering for a protocol position? Everyone i've talked to has no idea...I know its a special duty assignment, and i've heard that people can do protocol concurrently with their "real" AFSC. Ideas?

Anonymous said...


BJS said...

I would suggest that you contact the protocol office here at USAFA. They are an excellent shop and would be very helpful (they are one of the busiest protocol shops in the AF). I don't want to post their data here, but you can look them up in the global or call over to any related office in Harmon Hall for their info.

yes, one of our contributors on our "Heavies" blog is a navigator. Go ask nav questions there.

Schmee said...

Helicopters? I want to beat the air into submission but I've heard all sorts of conflicting stories about career progression, ie. you can go to HH-60s straight from UPT, you have to go Hueys first then transfer to 60s or 53s, Hueys can only go to 53s, we won't have any in 5 years so don't bother... What's the deal?

Unknown said...

Schmee, we're working on getting a couple of helo pilots to answer...check back tomorrow.

that cadet said...

Could I ask about Airfield Operations? It seems like a very broad AFSC and I don't really understand what it entails. Thanks!

BJS said...

"that cadet" we're working on getting an airfeild operations blog going. Hopefully we'll have it up tomorrow with some folks to talk to you about it.

New LT Launcher said...


Your best bet for a Protocol position will be after you've left USAFA, received your Initial Skills Training, and signed in at your first assignment. One of the fallouts from Agenda for Change is that all graduating LTs go into a Line of the AF AFSC at Wing level or below. There are (of course) special programs (MSC/BSC), Advanced Academic Degree, and/or USUSH/HPSP that some will go into--but the numbers are closely monitored by Air Staff. Protocol is not a Control AFSC but rather a Duty AFSC; which means you must hold another AFSC with which to assign you to a valid position on base. Protocol positions are typically taken "out of hide" so a commander must agree to lose you without the promise of a replacement for the duration of your Protocol tour of duty. It's sometimes a "political" process; so buyer beware.